Wednesday, November 22, 2006

UK Police to Take Fingerprints At Roadside Stops

Motorists who get stopped by the police could have their fingerprints taken at the roadside, under a new plan to help officers check people's identities. And so it begins..

read more | digg story

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Web Sites:

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Eliot Spitzer Offers WiFi Scam to NY Voters as Governor

With a giant pyramid scam at the center you will be surprised to find the keeper of laws flaunting a European pyramid wealth building WiFi company on their political ticket to the Governor race in New York. Even more surprising are the people who have "equity positions" in this pyramid scam.

read more | digg story

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Web Sites:

Sunday, September 24, 2006

NYC TV Brings New York Stories to World

NYCTV the Mother of All Conspiracy Sites

It was only a couple weeks ago we found this great new site called on the Internet. It started with a bang for the September 11 anniversary and soared outward to bring some breaking stories.

The newest NYCTV Logo for the NY broadcast area
NYC TV broke the recent story at Fresh Kills of the radioactive findings and was actually censored off of Shoutwire probably because it had no backup at that time. Several days later the mass media was forced to report and the story was allowed to continue again.

We think this site has some real promise and hope they keep up the cutting edge stories and increase their video offerings. So far there are some film offerings but we want to see some news features and stories! Come on guys!

Give NYC TV a visit! NYC TV

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Thursday, March 23, 2006

Agents Infiltrate Wikipedia To Delete 911 Eyewitness

Agents try to remove 911 Eyewitness from Wikipedia!

In an effort to silence the most provocative and authoritative documentary yet released the agents have wasted no time to try and remove the listing from the public Encyclopedia. Too much evidence for them! We need your help to keep it on there.

It is obvious that 911 Eyewitness is a powerful DVD and the evidence is damning. Agents bent on getting any information on an award winning documentary from the publics notice are infiltrating Wikipedia. As the film shows through the USA and the world to wild acclaim the few fanatics implanted in the public encyclopedia are slamming the people doing the edit as a means to delete the content totally.

We still have to see if the agents control Wikipedia or are it really independent and fair. When a film of the stature of
Best 9/11 ':
See the awards list


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Other Links:

Ricks Web Site

911 Eyewitness The real Eyewitness story!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

911 Blues Tour - Restore the Republic

Want To Be Part of the Next Big Tour?
We want to know about you!

There is a new project happening called the 911 Blues Tour.

The blues comes from the heart and soul of our beings. When confronting the truth and evidence of the criminal activities surrounding the 911 demolitions in NYC along side a direct attack on our nations military headquarters in the nations capital, there is no other place for ones soul

This tour is being created to bring awareness of the problems Americans are now confronted with. Private and corporate cabals have taken over our government and country, they are committing international terror, murdering and enslaving populations. They are committing criminal acts around the world in the name of the United States and ?We the People? are and will be paying the price.

So, this is about standing up for our rights, bringing the people together to hear cool music, show them the films, hand them the literature, talk to them, get them to be active and bring them all to NYC for 9/11/2006 for a rally to restore our Republic.

I want to try and bring the tour from New York City at the end of May to California and back to NYC by 9/11. Covering the north across the top, and the south on the way back and up the east coast. We want to stop in every town and drop down a 40' rig stage on wheels and rock, rap, and roll the information into the American hearts.

Yep, this is not about taking some big name band bounding around the country to reap in huge profits. This is about word up. 911Eyewitness says it up front, bombs in the building and no investigation. I think you know the crimes I think we know it is the time.

So, we are looking for bands, and MusicTV (in its tenth year anniversary) is sponsoring the tour. If you have a band, a production facility, and mobile crew, gear and are willing to help and get involved, 911 Blues Tour wants to hear from you.

Go to their website now and sign in! Time for a change, Time for you to take part in that change.

911 Blues Tour.

911 tags
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Other Links:

911 Truth
Ricks Blogger Blog
911 Eyewitness The real Eyewitness story!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Oscar Awards to 911 Eyewitness Documentary of the Year

Portland Independent Media Awards
911 Eyewitness DVD Documentary of the Year.
9/11"truthseeker" Oscars 2005

Best 9/11 'documentary' of the year:
Rick Siegel- 911EyeWitness(.com)

“May I just say thank you to the truth seekers for this tribute to my work and the teams research efforts. If this can bring about the investigation to the deaths of 2000+ people in NYC that day and end the misery of the victims and the questions within the nation, I will have more riches than any man could count.” Rick Siegel at forums

With the release of my works alongside that of researchers from around the globe this last 911 anniversary in New York City a wave has been building. My pleasure in providing my raw footage from that day to the truth seekers is only overshadowed by the same feelings I had posting them that morning of September 11, 2001 on the web site.

The raw digital video shows all too clearly problems that have never been answered in the government’s restricted investigation into their own inability to communicate effectively enough to protect the country. That is the only real job they are supposed to be doing and they are too busy playing games. That is a crime against all Americans. It is an affront to the memory of the 2000+ human beings that perished that their deaths were not investigated with the same fervor that any mass murder might get. In fact, what we got were the bizzaro worlds version of how to conduct a murder investigation.

Portland Independent Media Awards

911 Eyewitness DVD Documentary of the Year.

9/11"truthseeker" Oscars 2005

Best 9/11 ':
See the awards list


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Other Links:

Ricks Web Site

911 Eyewitness The real Eyewitness story!