Friday, September 16, 2005

911 9/11 The Secret Story part I

After leaving New York City in the later part of 2001 I never wanted to recount the day of 9/11/2001 again. So it was with great trepidation when I accompanied a group of researchers to visit the great city once more this year.
Four years after the day I was again at the Trade Center site. So many emotions welling up inside me; the impossible happened before my eyes. A gigantic building crumbles to dust. Steel and concrete reduced to a substance so small it floated upward in the air.
OnlineTV was the only historic Internet broadcasting company to have broadcast the events that day. Even more important, the original master digital tapes were stored for years instead of sold on the market. Saved from the censor or being withheld from the public. No one knew the depth the material held as far as evidence in something more than an airplane flying into a building. The invaluable continuous incidental audio recording of the news channel with time codes and eye witness reports that have been buried astound the mind as much as the spectacular steel and concrete building plummeting at the speed of gravity into a pile of dust.
The original recording was encoded using Microsoft Windows Media. Encoded at 300 and 56kb speeds. These files were online within minutes of happening at, and this event was reported in the Business Week issue the week after. The files were also co-hosted in Holland by for years. They were available on Richard Siegel’s servers up until 2004 when one Shri Pandit at Stealth Communications stole the equipment and would not return the computers or the data on them. Stealth received immense investment in the high-speed data business from the largest carriers in the world at that same time, as well as huge investment in his company, all prior to making the decision to take Mr. Siegel’s property. Since that time the files are no longer available and Mr. Siegel’s equipment is still held without due process by Shri Pandit at Stealth Communications. But they will not hold back the showing of this material. Not even by stealing that equipment!
All this footage is now available on a DVD for everyone. Each DVD has 2 hours of information. There is the original footage, unedited. Then there is more than an hour of analysis by scientific investigators from around the world. Evidence from the owner the buildings that he gave the order to bring down building 7 himself as broadcast on PBS! The one thing this DVD shows is there is a vast problem and we have to wake up. The alternative is to dig your head so deep in the sand and just let them have their way with what is up in the air.
Watch the political channel here for more releases on for the DVD to get to the truth please Freedom and Liberty

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