The Texas State Library and Archives Commission released these notes in response to formal requests from The Times and other news organizations.
"You are the best Governor ever - deserving of great respect!" gushed
Harriet Miers, then the Texas Lottery chief, to George W. Bush in 1997. The
belated birthday card she sent her boss with a sheepishly eager puppy
poking his head up and a poem that read: "This is the wish/That should have
been sent/Before your birthday/Came and went."
August 2001 "Thank you so much for letting me bundle up and drag away
the brush that you cut down today. And if I might add, Sir, I've never seen
a man wield the nippers so judiciously. It was awesome! You are the best
brush cutter ever!!"
September 2001 "I found out today that you handed down a decision for
the White House mess to offer three different kinds of jelly with its
P.B.&J. sandwiches. Sweet!! As you know, I'm the only member of the staff
who eats three meals a day in the mess. Now I get to have a different type
of jelly at every meal! The mess is blessed to have a president who cares
so much. I know I'm probably just flattering myself, but I like to think
that you are thinking of me, also. (Smile.)
"P.S. Can you believe Condi cares more about W.M.D.'s than P.B.&J.'s?"
April 2002 "I was worried that it could go unstated in the rush of
business around here, but I just wanted to pause and say how amazing it is
that, after doing so much for the American people already, you keep showing
up for work most days. We have to come, but you choose to. You're the
hardest-working president ever!!"
October 2002 "I'm not sure Condi has made the time to thank you
herself, so I just wanted to say how much we appreciated the tickets to
'Madame Butterfly' on Saturday night. I wore my long black robe - I mean,
opera cape. I just wish it had had that song from 'The Sound of Music' - I
know you love it, too - 'Cream-colored ponies and crisp apple strudels.
...' You're one of my favorite things, sir!"
January 2003 "Just a quick note to say how cool it is that you picked
Brownie to head FEMA. There's nothing like having someone you know and
So, this is what our highest Judicial system needs as qualifications. What has America become? Do we allow further dismantling of the Republic?
Other links:
Harriet Miers
Supreme Court
George Bush
Condoleezza Rice
George Bush
911 Truth
911 Eyewitness
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